Can the worst workspaces still create success? | Virgin

Can the worst works

They say an Englishman’s home is his castle, but what about his place of work? 

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Most people can’t choose the location where they earn they keep, although they may be able to choose how they earn that keep. What’s more, even those that go it alone are often restricted – financially – when it comes to the location in which they set up shop.

Dragon’s Den star and British entrepreneur James Caan is said to have started his first recruitment company, his initial step in building a bona fide empire, from an office in Pall Mall that was so small he couldn’t open the door fully without hitting his own desk. Hardly impressive for visiting clients, one can only assume that he avoided such meetings given where he is today. But what’s really important about the story is the reason why he opted for that particular address. The prestigious West London borough known for its affluence looked better on letterheads than other parts of the city, which may have been able to offer him better accommodation, at a fraction of the price

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